
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Good lord! This is just too unreliable!"

In the courtyard, Ling Xueyan was pacing restlessly. She couldn't help but curse each time she completed a lap.

The ground was covered in bodies, spread out in a scene that was deeply disturbing. Without exception, all were dead.

An hour ago, she had just been transported to this old-fashioned world that was so unfamiliar, she couldn't even name it. After waking up, she found herself in a somewhat dilapidated ancient wooden house. Next to her lay a man in extravagant ancient robes.

And the attire she was in was hideously displeasing - the uniform of a eunuch.

With a dejected expression, she walked out of the house to find that it was situated amidst desolate mountains, with birdsong echoing from all directions, and an extra bit of chill in the air.

The unkempt courtyard was overgrown with weed, seemingly devoid of human presence for a long time. Even the door of the house was covered in spider webs, casting a somewhat chill atmosphere.

By the time she had completed ten laps, she had fallen into a state of speechless despair.

She was an agent hailing from the 22nd century, responsible for the role of a pharmacist in the special taskforce. She was only here because of a mission, which required her to travel back in time.

The mission was simple: secure a list of traitorous agents.

However, she wished that time travel could at least deposit her into a slightly more reliable location.

Returning inside the house, she spotted the well-dressed man sprawled on the floor. His disheveled hair covered his face though his attire suggested he must be someone important.

Barely interested in his appearance, she inhaled deeply before kicking the man who lay on the ground.

"Hey!" She kicked once. When there was no response, she delivered a second.

This time, the man abruptly grabbed her ankle.

Ling Xueyan frowned slightly, struggling to free her foot. She tried several times without success. Finally, she gritted her teeth and gave a good kick. A muffled groan escaped from the man's mouth, his grip finally loosening.

Ling Xueyan took a long sigh of relief, now hearing the man's low, painful coughing by her foot.

Regardless of her hesitation, Ling Xueyan reached out and felt the man's pulse.

"Tsk! What a nasty little poison you have got... slow-acting too," after examining his pulse, Ling Xueyan muttered to herself. She then rolled up her sleeves, readying herself for a tough battle.

Above all, detoxifying this man was crucial. She needed a living person to answer her questions.

About who she was, where she was, and everything!

In a blink of an eye, she undressed him, revealing his muscular torso.

"Such a great figure, truly top-notch!" she mentally concluded.

Next, she removed his pants, flipping him over to lay on his stomach.

Once his clothes were entirely off, her gaze started examining his bare body, like a spotlight scanning head to toe.

Hmm, the man had an excellent figure, and his skin was somewhat pale due to the poison's effects, but it merely highlighted the wildness latent in his toned muscles. As he lay face-down, she was unable to see his face.

"Not bad, nice skin complexion too," she muttered.

All the while, she began massaging his acupoints on his shoulder and back, stealing glances at him.

She was still figuring out her situation. The only clear thing was that she now inhabited the body of someone who also carried her name - Ling Xueyan.

Crucially, she was still unsure about her identity, and she was even wearing eunuch clothes. She was certain that her current body was female. So, what was the story behind a woman dressed as a eunuch?

The organization said that the mission this time entails journeying to a different world in search of a list. However, due to some malfunction with the transmigration machine, we can only use the old-fashioned model.

The old style of transmigration machine can only support soul travel and is time-limited, commanding a mere three months. Once the time is up, the soul will be forever stranded in the transmigrated world.

She has taken this daring expedition into this unfamiliar realm merely for that list, and she has only three months.

Time is of the essence...

The only clue she knows is that this list is within the palace.

As she pressed on a spot on a man's spine, she abruptly heard a soft grunt from him.

She knew... he had awakened!

"Emma, it's about time you woke up, you..." She hadn't even finished speaking when the man suddenly rolled over, pinning her harshly to the ground.

The brunt of gravity came surging. Her head thumped against the ground, causing her to grimace in pain.

The barely clothed man emitted a strong killing intent from his whole body, his cold aura filling the air.

His icy hand swiftly clamped around her neck, suffocating her instantly!

The unexpected turn of events left her wide-eyed in shock.

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